Women’s Empowerment Camp at Melkbos Oppiesee

19 – 21 April 2024

You Are Worthy

From April 19th to April 21st, 2024, the Rhenish Church of South Africa had the pleasure of hosting a transformative women’s camp at Melkbos Oppiesee in Melkbos strand. The theme, “You Are Worthy,” echoed through the calm coastal setting as Pastor Moira La Porta led us through a profound exploration of the story of Deborah, unveiling timeless truths about our worth and purpose in God’s eyes.

Throughout the camp, Pastor Moira explained the divine narrative woven through Deborah’s life, reminding us that God is the architect of our lives and the weaver of destinies. We delved into the period Deborah lived in, the challenges she faced, her prophetic calling, and her remarkable contributions as a wife, leader, and woman of faith. Each session served as a mirror reflecting not only Deborah’s resilience and strength but also our own remarkable qualities as women.

One of the poignant takeaways from the camp was the importance of addressing the cracks in our lives created by challenges. As one participant shared, “If you are not willing to go back and fix the cracks created by challenges, you will continue to hurt instead of asking God to heal them.” This powerful reminder resonated deeply, urging us to embrace healing and restoration in every aspect of our lives.

In addition to the enriching sessions, the camp provided a delightful opportunity for fellowship and celebration. The themed “party,” where women dressed up from the 1920s to the 1980s, added a touch of fun and creativity to the gathering, fostering bonds of friendship and laughter.

A heigh point of the camp was the Sunday service, led by Sister Rose Lindor of the Eersteriver congregation. Her message of empowerment and affirmation echoed the sentiments shared throughout the weekend, reinforcing the truth that each woman is inherently worthy in the eyes of God.

Reflecting on the testimonies shared by participants, it’s evident that the camp was a profoundly enriching experience for all who attended. One attendee expressed gratitude, saying, “Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir die wonderlike naweek. Dit was geseënd, ook die commitee lede, dankie vir julle harde werk. God seën.” Another testified, “Baie dankie vir ‘n prettige, maar ook geesvervulde naweek. Dankie bestuur, dit was vir my ‘n voorwaar ‘n tyd waar ek weer konneksie kon maak met Hemel en aarde, waar daar weer nuwe vriendskapbande gesmee was.”

As we bid farewell to the “You Are Worthy” women’s camp, let us carry with us the profound lesson learned: that each of us, as women and individuals, is worthy of love, affirmation, and fulfillment. May we continue to walk in the light of our worth, empowering one another and embracing the remarkable journey that lies ahead.

A special thanks to the women’s union administration for the organization of the camp, Destiny Albertyn and Felicity Stanley for the preparation of the meals, Charis Sass for the UEM presentation, Pastor Moira La Porta for bringing the story of Deborah to the modern-day women, Sister Rose Lindor for the message reinforcing each woman is worthy in the eyes of God, and those that assisted throughout the weekend.

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