Women’s day Breakfast RCSA -Elsies River Chapter

Empowering Women’s Day Event at Rhenish Church

In August 2023, the Rhenish Church Women’s Union hosted a vibrant Women’s Day event that left a mark on attendees. The church hall’s pink decor set a welcoming tone for the day centered around self-care. Mrs. Pool highlighted self-care’s importance, encouraging positivity in the face of challenges. Petruse drew inspiration from the story of Ruth and Naomi, emphasizing self-love.

Delicious breakfast and snacks delighted guests’ taste buds, complemented by thoughtful gifts: a cozy beanie and charming dessert bowl for each of the 140 attendees. They shared Bible texts that resonated with the audience. The event resounded with joyful singing, fostering unity and celebration.

The Women’s Day event celebrated women’s strength and beauty, reminding everyone of the significance of self-care and love. The Rhenish Church Women’s Union’s initiative deserves applause for creating an inspiring and memorable occasion.

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